11+ Practice Bundle

Quality resources at an affordable price!

Exam success…without the stress!

Help your child to stay motivated and on track for exam success with our handy 11+ bundle.

Whatever stage of their 11+ preparation your child is at, it’s important to take a balanced approach - to avoid them getting stressed, burnt out or peaking too early.

It goes without saying that timed tests and mock exams are essential…but did you know that mindset is just as important as practice when it comes to exam success?

That’s why our 11+ Bundle contains plenty of practice tests to help your child to get their skills up to speed…AND our unique Eleven Plus Superpowers course to help them develop the optimal exam mindset.

What’s more, it’s available at the super low price of only £197! (Usual price: £269)

Our 11+ Practice Bundle will help your child to feel focused, motivated and ready to tackle their exams with confidence.

Included in the bundle:

Striking the Perfect Balance

Our mock tests and practice papers are professionally produced and are written by our founder, Sian Goodspeed - experienced teacher, award-winning tuition business owner, Eleven Plus expert and author of multiple Eleven Plus resources for educational publisher, Schofield & Sims.

Over the past sixteen years, Sian’s blend of expert tuition, mindset techniques and quality resources have helped thousands of students to achieve exam success…without the stress.

Invaluable practice - whatever your approach!

Whether your child is attending tuition, doing online courses or taking the ‘DIY’ approach, it’s important to ensure they have plenty of practice of timed mocks and tests in the lead up to the exam.

Our 11+ Practice Bundle is a cost-effective way of supplementing your child’s preparation, whichever approach you’re taking.

What’s more, our 11+ Superpowers course will maximise the impact of their preparation by teaching them valuable skills and techniques to help them to focus, stay motivated and get into a ‘winning’ exam mindset.

Expertly crafted resources at an incredible price.

Regular prices:

  • Virtual Mock Tests: £47 (Bundle of five full exams including invigilation videos)

  • Practice Tests: £105 (Fifteen full tests - a total of thirty practice papers)

  • VR Quick Tests: £20 (Set of ten fifteen-minute tests)

  • 11+ Superpowers course: £97 (full membership for one year)

Total value at regular price: £269

Sale price: £197!

All the mocks, practice tests and VR tests include multiple choice answer sheets & comprehensive mark schemes.

PLUS: They are all downloadable for instant access to print at home!