Is Your Child Ready for the Eleven Plus?!

Take our FREE 11+  quiz to find out!

Did you know there are four elements of exam success? 

Most 11+ programmes only focus on two of them…

…And yet, unless all four are nurtured, your child is unlikely to reach their potential in an exam situation. 

At Unravelled, we understand the importance of all four elements.

Our proven, research-based methods can help your child to get the most out of their 11+ preparation - and maximise their performance on the big day.

Take our free 11+ quiz

Want to find out how your child is faring in all four elements?

Check out our 11+ Readiness quiz

We’ll send you a detailed report, containing your child’s 11+ Readiness score, PLUS lots of handy 11+ tips!

The four elements of exam success

Why do all four elements matter?

It makes sense that a good grasp of the relevant skills and knowledge are important for exam success.

That's why so many 11+ programmes focus on exam content and skills practice.

It’s also logical that, to function at their best in an exam situation, your child needs to be feeling well and in a positive frame of mind.

And yet, the two key elements of Mindset and Wellbeing are so often overlooked when it comes to exam preparation. 

Think about this for a moment:

We wouldn't expect a world class athlete to win a race if they weren't feeling well or in a winning mindset...

...So how can we expect our children to perform at their best in exams if they're anxious, lacking in confidence or disengaged with learning?

What’s more, the importance of mindset to success in all walks of life has been demonstrated in numerous studies and yet it's still woefully missing throughout our education system.

The good news is that there are some simple steps you can take to help your child improve their Mindset and Wellbeing - and this will have a positive impact on all areas of their life.

How we can help

  • 11+ Coaching

    Every child is unique. That’s why we offer bespoke coaching packages that target support right where it’s needed. Our unique blend of mindset mastery and focused exam content will help your child to learn more effectively, increasing their chances of realising their potential on exam day.

  • 11+ Superpowers course

    Boost your child’s learning capacity and take the stress out of 11+ prep with our fun, interactive 11+ Superpowers course! Whether you’re employing a tutor or taking a DIY approach, this course will enhance your child’s progress and help them to maximise their performance on the big day!

  • 11+ Virtual Mocks

    Unravelled's realistic virtual mock tests will help your child fine tune their skills, iron out their tricky problem areas and banish exam day nerves. Our Mock Test Bundle comprises five full mock tests, including: downloadable mock papers & fully timed exam invigilation videos.

  • 11+ Essentials Courses

    Our 11+ Essentials Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning courses will help your child to unravel the mysteries of verbal and non-verbal reasoning through a series of live online lessons. Covers the main VR and NVR question types found on many Eleven Plus (11+) test papers.

Are you ready to help your child unravel the mysteries of learning?