Eleven Plus Virtual Mocks

You choose what to pay!

Help your child to conquer exam fear! 

Exams can be daunting – especially when you’re only aged ten!

Taking mock tests is the best way to help your child improve their skills and overcome those exam day nerves.

When it comes to exam success, practice is key - in particular, practice of working at speed under exam conditions.

Eleven Plus mocks are an invaluable way for your child to gain this essential practice, however, it’s not always practical (or economical) to sign them up for multiple in-venue mock tests.

Our series of five GL-style online mock test experiences provide a realistic, practical solution that will help your child to fine-tune their skills and conquer those exam day nerves - without breaking the bank!

Expert exam papers

Unravelled mock tests are written in-house, by our founder, Sian Goodspeed - Eleven Plus expert and author of many Schofield and Sims Eleven Plus books.

Our Eleven Plus mock tests are written in the style of GL Assessment exams, as sat in many grammar school counties. We make our papers as close to the ‘real deal’ as possible - in fact, they’ve often been hailed by past parents as the ‘best on the market’.

Each mock exam comprises two test papers, multiple choice answer sheets and full mark schemes.

And, since they’re downloadable, you may print and use them again as often as you like.

How it works 

Our mock tests come with virtual invigilation videos to recreate the exam hall experience.

Each student works on their own printed test papers and answer sheets - just like in the real tests. The test paper, answer sheet and mark scheme can be printed at home, or we offer a print and post service for an additional £20.

Once your child is ready to sit the exam, begin the virtual invigilation video and your child will be fully guided through the instructions and timings of the test.

Once the test is over, you can mark your child’s test papers using the comprehensive mark scheme and review their answers with them. Your child can even sit the paper again in their own time for further consolidation and practice.

Mock Test Bundle

Our Virtual Mocks Bundle contains everything you need to carry out FIVE full virtual mock exams!


  • 10 downloadable mock test papers (two 40-minute test papers per exam)

  • 10 downloadable multiple choice answer sheets

  • Full mark schemes

    Don’t have a printer? Add on our ‘Print and Post’ service for only £20!

Which rate to choose?

When selecting your payment rate, please pay what you can realistically afford. Like all businesses, we have costs to cover and bills to pay so we are extremely grateful to those of you who opt to make payments.

That said, we don’t want any child to be denied education due to their family’s financial situation so please select a full bursary if you are currently not in a position to contribute financially.

All we ask in return is that you keep all the resources for your family’s use only and that, if you find value in our lessons and resources, you spread the word to family and friends. Thank you!

You choose what to pay!

At Unravelled, we believe education should be accessible to all children, irrespective of background or personal circumstances. That’s why we are now offering families the option to access our resources on a ‘choose what to pay’ basis.


Select your payment rate from these options:

  • Standard rate: £47

  • Subsidised rate: £27

  • Full bursary: FREE access to all five mock test experiences

    For subsidised or full bursary rates, please email hello@unravelled.uk with the subject ‘Support’.

    All fees are inclusive of VAT.