Making Education Accessible: Unravelled’s ‘Choose what to pay' 11+ Courses

At Unravelled, we believe that every child deserves access to quality education, no matter their background or financial circumstances. Education is a powerful tool for unlocking potential, and we are committed to breaking down financial barriers that may prevent some children from accessing quality education.

Why ‘Choose what to Pay?’

Whilst we work hard to provide the best possible learning experience at an affordable price, we know that not every family has the financial resources to commit to the full cost of private tutoring or exam preparation. That's why we've made the decision to offer our 11+ courses, virtual mock test experiences and practice papers available on a tiered fee basis. By offering a flexible, 'pay what you choose' model, we hope to create an environment where no child is left behind because of financial limitations.

How Does the Choose what to Pay' Model Work?

For each course, mock test or practice paper, you will see that we offer a standard and subsidised rate. The standard rate is the price that we would ordinarily charge for the resource. The subsidised rate is a reduced rate, for those families who would like to contribute but for whom the standard rate is currently unaffordable.

 When selecting your payment rate, we ask you to pay what you can realistically afford. Just like any business, Unravelled has operational costs (salaries, technology, materials) and we are deeply grateful for those who opt to make payments that support our ongoing efforts.

That said, we don’t want any child to be denied education due to their family’s financial situation so please request a full bursary by emailing us at if you are currently not in a position to contribute financially.

All we ask in return is that your child turns up willing to learn and that, if you find value in our lessons and resources, you spread the word to family and friends.

What’s on offer for ‘Choose what to pay’?

All our 11+ group courses, mock test experiences and downloadable practice tests are currently available on a choose what to pay basis. These include:

11+ Essentials – Reasoning Courses

Our 11+ Essentials Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning courses will help your child to unravel the mysteries of verbal and non-verbal reasoning through a series of live online lessons. Covers the main VR and NVR question types found on many Eleven Plus (11+) test papers.

Find out more about these courses here:

11+ Superpowers Course

Boost your child’s learning capacity and take the stress out of 11+ prep with our fun, interactive 11+ Superpowers course! Whether you’re employing a tutor or taking a DIY approach, this course will enhance your child’s progress and help them to maximise their performance on the big day! Find out more about this course here:

11+ Virtual Mock Tests

Unravelled's realistic virtual mock tests will help your child fine tune their skills, iron out their tricky problem areas and banish exam day nerves. Our Mock Test Bundle comprises five full mock tests, including: downloadable mock papers & fully timed exam invigilation videos. Find out more about our mock tests here:

11+ Practice Papers

Our downloadable 11+ Practice Test papers each comprise a complete set of 11+ tests - that’s two 45-minute test papers, multiple choice answer sheets and mark schemes with written explanations, where appropriate. You can find these, and our 11+ Verbal Reasoning Quick Tests in our 11+ Shop:


For any other queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch at


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