11+ Practice Test 10A & 10B
Our downloadable 11+ Practice Test 10 comprises a complete set of 11+ tests - that’s two 45-minute test papers, multiple choice answer sheets and mark schemes with written explanations, where appropriate. For details of the question types on these papers, see information below image.
You choose what to pay!
We want to make education as accessible as possible and that’s why we are offering a choice of payments for our courses and resources. In order to support our business, we ask that you choose the standard rate of £7 if you are willing and able to do so. For those families for whom the standard is unaffordable, we offer either a subsidised or full bursary rate:
Subsidised rate: £3.50 per practice test set
Full bursary: £0 per practice test set
To access the subsidised or bursary rates, please email hello@unravelled.uk with the subject ‘Support’.
Our downloadable 11+ Practice Test 10 comprises a complete set of 11+ tests - that’s two 45-minute test papers, multiple choice answer sheets and mark schemes with written explanations, where appropriate. For details of the question types on these papers, see information below image.
You choose what to pay!
We want to make education as accessible as possible and that’s why we are offering a choice of payments for our courses and resources. In order to support our business, we ask that you choose the standard rate of £7 if you are willing and able to do so. For those families for whom the standard is unaffordable, we offer either a subsidised or full bursary rate:
Subsidised rate: £3.50 per practice test set
Full bursary: £0 per practice test set
To access the subsidised or bursary rates, please email hello@unravelled.uk with the subject ‘Support’.
Our downloadable 11+ Practice Test 10 comprises a complete set of 11+ tests - that’s two 45-minute test papers, multiple choice answer sheets and mark schemes with written explanations, where appropriate. For details of the question types on these papers, see information below image.
You choose what to pay!
We want to make education as accessible as possible and that’s why we are offering a choice of payments for our courses and resources. In order to support our business, we ask that you choose the standard rate of £7 if you are willing and able to do so. For those families for whom the standard is unaffordable, we offer either a subsidised or full bursary rate:
Subsidised rate: £3.50 per practice test set
Full bursary: £0 per practice test set
To access the subsidised or bursary rates, please email hello@unravelled.uk with the subject ‘Support’.
Question types covered:
Paper 10A:
English comprehension
Short maths questions: covering a range of maths topics
Verbal reasoning: Synonyms, Jumbled sentences
Non-verbal reasoning: 3D Shapes
Paper 10B:
Longer maths questions: including more complex problem-solving questions
Verbal reasoning: Leftover words
Verbal reasoning: Incomplete words
Non-verbal reasoning: Sequences
Verbal reasoning: Spelling
For more verbal reasoning practice questions, check out our Verbal Reasoning Quick Tests!